Music rooms policy

  • Access to rehearsal rooms is forbidden to any non-registered person, except for any request approved by the executive comitee. If a registered member lets enter a non-registered person, he takes full responsability in case of damages.
  • MusiCS has the right to close rehearsal rooms during events or for maintenace.
  • When entering the room, please let the curtain open (explicit and strict request from the DPIET for security purposes).
  • The rooms must be kept in a good state, therefore please :
    • do not eat in the rooms ; water is accepted if it is in a sealed bottle and away from the electronic devices ;
    • observe hygien rules (no greasy hands on a piano) ;
    • tidy the equipment provided in the rooms before leaving them ;
    • shut down any electronic device and switch off the lights before leaving ;
    • do not move instruments between the rooms excepted if they are put back after (in this case please warn MusiCS members by writing it on the group).
  • Registered members are asked not to leave any personal belongings in a room. If an issue was to be discovered on an object that was left by a member, MusiCS could not be held reponsible for the incident.
  • The possession of alcohol, tobacco, as well as drugs is forbidden in the rooms.
  • Any member who booked a rehearsal room is responsible of the equipment that is present during the practice time, may he be present in the room or not.
  • If a room was not booked, every registered member is responsible of the equipment present in the room.
  • Finally, we ask you to report any issue (broken string...) and repairs to be done to the following link : A registered member will not be held responsible for any wear or natural break.
  • Registered members are asked to close the door of the room after leaving it.
  • En cas de manquement grave aux règles énoncées dans cette charte, le bureau MusiCS se réserve le droit de retirer temporairement ou définitivement les accès au(x) cotisant(s) concerné(s), sans remboursement de la cotisation.
  • MusiCS is allowed to change this policy from one year to another. All registered members would then be notified of any changes.